I am Helena-Joline Sailer, a young artist who dedicates herself to painting with a lot of passion and creativity. I was born in 2011 into a family that values art and creativity, and I discovered my love for painting at an early age. My fascination with colors and shapes inspired me to develop my own techniques and styles. I focus mainly on classic acrylic painting on canvas, but also experiment with high-quality artist's colored pencils, the so-called "polychromos", to bring my visions to life with detail and vibrancy.
My talent did not go unnoticed: in 2023/24 I was invited by the renowned Cultural Academy to take part in several creative weeks at Rotenfels Castle - a special honor that only a few artists are granted. This invitation gave me the opportunity to further refine my skills and present my work to a wider audience. During my stay at Rotenfels Castle I was also interviewed, which allowed me to share my thoughts and inspirations with others.
One of my greatest role models is Frida Kahlo de Rivera. Her influence can be seen in my intense choice of colors and in the strong, emotional themes of my works. However, I am not in the shadow of my role model; I have found my own unique voice in the art world. With every brush stroke and every choice of color, I express my personal experiences, dreams and hopes - and thereby show that I am an artist with a promising future.
Chromatische Seele Das Gemälde zeigt das Porträt einer Person, die durch die Anwendung intensiver Farben und kräftiger Schattierungen dynamisch zum Leben erweckt wird. Die rechte Gesichtshälfte und der Arm sind in warmen Tönen von Orange und Rot gehalten, was Assoziationen mit Energie und Leidenschaft weckt, während die linke Seite in kühlem Blau gehalten ist, was Ruhe und Nachdenklichkeit suggeriert. Der Kontrast zwischen diesen Farbtemperaturen schafft eine visuelle Spannung und deutet auf eine Dualität der Persönlichkeit oder Stimmung hin. Die Person im Bild hält eine Hand an die Stirn, was eine Geste der Nachdenklichkeit, Müdigkeit oder Sorge sein könnte. Der Blick ist direkt, gefasst und durchdringend, was eine Verbindung zum Betrachter herstellt.
Gezeichnet mit Polychromos