Rainer Schoch

Rainer Schoch
Rainer Schoch

Rainer Schoch
Talacker 9
8259 Kaltenbach







What makes the fish a work of art?

The fish, a classic subject. Whether as a pictorial motif of early Christian art, as a symbol of life and fertility, or generally as a symbol of Christianity, the fish is still revered today in many cultures and religions. As a subject of artistic exploration, the fish enjoys timeless relevance, across epochs, artistic styles, and expressive media. The process of condensation often follows classical techniques, e.g. as the vanitas motif of famous still lifes, as subtle painterly pictorial compositions such as "The Goldfish" from 1925 by Paul Klee, or Damien Hirst's tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde, which is considered "the" iconic artwork of the 1990s par excellence. Contemporary developments and positions also tie in here, or even go further, as the works of Rainer Schoch impressively illustrate.

Rainer Schoch
Rainer Schoch

Was macht den Fisch zum Kunstwerk

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